Articles on: MyAnnecyFestival
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How do I access the lists of participants and companies?

Log in to your Annecy Network and go to the Networking section.

Click on the "List of participants" on the left-hand side of the page.

You can browse through the list of participants and contact them. You can also search by geographical zone, country, profession, etc.

Mifa badgeholders can search for companies by clicking on the "List of companies" on the left-hand side of the page.

Access to the list of participants depends on what type of accreditation you have.

You will be able to download the list of participants in .xls or .pdf formats.

Find out access details for each type of accreditation here.

The Pass grand public does not give access to the list of participants and companies.

Updated on: 09/05/2024

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