When will the accreditations for Annecy 2025 be available for sale online?
Accreditation for Annecy 2025 are now available. Get your accreditation here.Few readersAccreditation : how does it work?
Accreditation allows access to Festival and Mifa screenings and events. Steps to follow to obtain an accreditation and access to screenings: Buy your accreditation online*. Reserve your screenings (from Tuesday 3th June, all information here) Screenings reservations are included in the price of the accreditation. Collect your accreditation at the Festival or Mifa WelcomeFew readersI am a professional working in the animation sector, which accreditation should I choose?
Professionals working in the field of animation, film, audiovisual, multimedia, art, music, gaming or special effects, the Festival, Festival+ and the Mifa accreditations allow you to discover the animation sector’s richness and productivity and to discuss, network, negotiate and make acquisitions. Teachers or accompagnying persons, whether you are attending the event alone or with your students, choose among the accreditations above. Festival Programmers, music composers, short fiPopularI am not a professional working in the animation sector, how can I attend?
As a non-professional in the sector, it is perfectly possible to take part in the Festival: - Pass 74 : for Haute Savoie residents : Moviegoers or animation enthusiasts from Haute-Savoie department, the Pass 74 is especially for you to enjoy the animation in Annecy during the Festival. For information about the Pass 74, go to the dedicated page. - Festival accreditation : Moviegoers or animation ethuSome readersWhat is a Pass 74?
Moviegoer or animation enthusiast from Haute-Savoie department, if you would like to enjoy the animation at the Annecy Festival, the Pass 74 acts as an accreditation and will give you access to all the Festival screenings. Eligibility Conditions The Pass 74 is for movie-goers and non-professional amateurs living in Haute-Savoie. Please attach documentary proof of address dated less than a year old to your application form for the Pass (for children under 18, a sworn declaratioSome readersWhat is a Festival accreditation?
The Festival accreditation will enable you to discover animation through numerous screenings, exhibitions, signing sessions and other events. New this year: Festival accreditation is open to all: animation professionals and non-professionals alike. It entitles you to two reservations per day via the online ticketing service and access to the Badgeholders without reservation queue.Some readersWhat is a Festival+ accreditation?
The Festival+ accreditation will enable you to discover animation in all its forms via screenings, meetings and connected tools. This accreditation is for professionals or teachers working in the field of animation, film, audiovisual, multimedia, art, music, gaming or special effects. It entitles you to three reservations per day via the online ticketing service and access to the Badgeholders without reservation queue.Some readersWhat is a Mifa accreditation?
The Mifa accreditation lets you discover the richness and diversity of the animation sector and meet the professionals. This accreditation is for professionals or teachers working in the field of animation, film, audiovisual, multimedia, art, music, gaming or special effects. It entitles you to three reservations per day via the online ticketing service and access to the Badgeholders without reservation queue. Your accreditation also entitles you to register 2 works in the VideolSome readersWhat is a Students accreditation?
The Students accreditation gives you access to content especially for students and young talents to assist you in preparing for your future professional career. The Students accreditation is reserved for students in initial training (on-site or online). High-school students who have chosen a film option, and professional trainees in continuing education are not eligible for this accreditation. Initial training refers to training undertaken as a student, which is validatedPopularWhat is a Buyers accreditation?
The Buyers accreditation gives you access to events specifically designed for your needs and connected tools to facilitate organising your professional meetings and will give you privileged access to the Buyers Club. This accreditation is intended for for head of acquisitions and investors in the film and audiovisual industry. It entitles you to four reservations per day via the online ticketing service and access to the Badgeholders without reservation queue.Few readersWhat is a Journalists accreditation?
The Journalists accreditation gives you access to all the professional events, theatre screenings and connected tools to learn all about the ins and outs of the animation industry’s productivity and cover the event under the best possible conditions. This accreditation is intended for media professionals (journalists, bloggers). It entitles you to four reservations per day via the online ticketing service and access to the Badgeholders without reservation queue.Few readersWhat is a Press Officers accreditation?
The Press Officers accreditation gives you access to all the professional events, theatre screenings and connected tools to establish contact and discuss with all the animation industry’s professionals. This accreditation is intended for media professionals (Press Officers). It entitles you to two reservations per day via the online ticketing service and access to the Badgeholders without reservation queue.Few readersWith which accreditation can I access the Exhibition Area?
The Exhibition Area spans 2 floors situated in the Impérial Palace grounds, grouping together national and international pavilions, the Creative Europe MEDIA pavilion, the XR&Games area, production and distribution companies, television networks and companies developing technological solutions, studios recruiting talent on their stands, as well as schools and training institutes. Access conditions Mifa badgeholders: your badge gives you access to all our events and venues.Some readersCan I buy a one-day pass to enter Mifa?
There are no single-day ticket sales for the Mifa. Choose the Mifa accreditation!Few readersHow can I attend the WIP, Making of, Masterclasses, Mifa Conferences, Industry Panels, Studio Focus, and Demo Sessions?
The Work in Progress, Making of, Masterclasses, Mifa Conferences, Industry Panels, Studio Focus and Demo Sessions invite you to discover animation in all its forms. See which events your accreditation gives you access to: Festival accreditation: attend the Making of and Masterclasses Festival+, Mifa and Students accreditations: attend the Work in Progress, Making of, Masterclasses, Mifa Conferences, Industry Panels, Studio Focus and Demo Sessions. Find all the information aboutSome readersI purchased my online accreditation but I have not received confirmation, what should I do?
If you haven't received a confirmation e-mail following your online accreditation request, please check your spam e-mail, then contact us at this address: accreditation@citia.orgSome readers